Semporna & Sipadan, Eastern Sabah, Borneo
Part I : The Diving Mecca
"Life is too important to be taken seriously"
- Oscar Wilde
I love Southeast Asia, and I mean really love it. Sometimes it is great, oftentimes it is awful, bit it is always interesting. Our stay in the town of Semporna was a great example of this. After arriving in Tawau on the east coast of Sabah, the northernmost state of Malaysian Borneo, we took a couple of minibuses to Semporna, the nearest point on the mainland to the diving paradise of Sipadan Island. We realised we were finally back in Asia when we had to share our minibus with a gaggle of staring children, chain-smoking old men, and several large buckets of dead fish. We even laughed about it when one chain-smoking old man lit up another smoke as he filled our petrol tank in a service station.
- Oscar Wilde
I love Southeast Asia, and I mean really love it. Sometimes it is great, oftentimes it is awful, bit it is always interesting. Our stay in the town of Semporna was a great example of this. After arriving in Tawau on the east coast of Sabah, the northernmost state of Malaysian Borneo, we took a couple of minibuses to Semporna, the nearest point on the mainland to the diving paradise of Sipadan Island. We realised we were finally back in Asia when we had to share our minibus with a gaggle of staring children, chain-smoking old men, and several large buckets of dead fish. We even laughed about it when one chain-smoking old man lit up another smoke as he filled our petrol tank in a service station.
When we arrived in Semporna, we had a bit of a bind finding a room. Malaysian independence day was approaching and a lot of the places were booked up. We finally bagged a small, windowless room in the centre of the town, at a place called Lee's Resthouse. It wasn't great, especially after our luxurious suite in Kuala Lumpur, but it did at least have air conditioning and the price was right. Under normal circumstances we would have avoided the place, as it was listed in our guidebook and this normally brings disappointment, but we were strapped for choice so it would have to do. We booked ourselves in for some diving with an operator we'd had recommended to us by Dave & Lisa, our Canadian friends who had been here recently, then took a wander around the town. Everybody was very smiley and all the kids would shout out hellos in English as we passed by. Cara was always chirpy back, but my misanthropic side began to tire after the 647th hello and from then on the kids had to make do with flick of the head and a neutral grunt.
For your average budget backpacker, diving here requires a significant investment. After doing the sums, we decided to book ourselves in with the dive centre on an adhoc basis, and make a decision after the end of each day. The next morning we were up early and made our way down to the dive centre. We sorted out our dive kit and set off towards Sipadan. There were only two other divers on the boat, besides the dive guide, so we could stretch out on the benches and have a snooze for the fifty minutes or so it took to get there.
I was lucky enough to dive Sipadan a few years ago. Back then, I was travelling on business and stayed at the expensive Kapalai Dive Resort, diving four times a day around Sipadan, Mabul and Kapalai. This time around the accommodation was somewhat less salubrious, but the diving was as good as ever. Within a few seconds of dropping into the water on the first dive, I remembered why this place is so special. The diving here really is incredible, the best in the world in my opinion (and let's face it, that practically makes it a fact). It is not just what you see, but how much of it there is. The sheer volume of marine life on show baffles the brain and strains the eyeballs. But let's start with the island itself. Sipadan is a true oceanic island, Malaysia's only one in fact. This means that the island sits off the edge of the continental shelf on which all the other local islands reside. Step off the reef edge and it is six hundred metres straight down to the seabed and a very bad headache.
The best way to describe the variety of marine life on show is to talk you through a typical dive we took at Barracuda Point dive site (despite having the greatest diving in the world, the locals still insist on giving the dive sites fairly mundane titles. If I had been draughted in to name these things, it would have been called "The Mind Boggling Shitload of Fish Vista in the Flying Current Coral Theatre and Turtle Emporium". Their loss). As soon as we plopped into the water at the edge of the reef, we were immediately surrounded by thousands of fish. Huge schools of trigger fish and longtail banner fish filled the water and large barracuda hung motionless in the current, pretending to be invisible in a way that only razor-toothed fish six feet long can get away with. A quick glance around showed a large turtle with attendant bat fish, heading to the surface for air, while another turtle swam beneath us and yet more sat dozily on the reef wall, looking at us with no more interest than a tramp has for his toejam*. We drifted along the reef and through the enormous schools of fish, with turtles constantly flapping into view before drifting back into the blue murk. The current was fairly strong, so we were all happy to be carried along by it without any need for exertion on our part. Grey and whitetip reef sharks circled beneath us, trying their best to look intimidating, but soon gave up and cleared off when they realised we were not novices who could be frightened by cheap theatrics and the opening chords of the Jaws theme tune.
After a short while, our guide pointed up ahead at a vague, flickering mass in the water. We all finned toward it and as we approached, the mass turned into an enormous column of barracuda (or is that barracudas?), swimming slowly against the current and generally having a sociable time of it. Our guide found a patch of sand on the top of the reef and we all settled on the bottom as the column first approached, then enveloped us. For a good few minutes we all just sat there and watched the giant swirl of fish swim around us. I can only assume they were having a group discussion on whether they should bite one of us for a laugh. Eventually, they seemed to reach the same conclusion as the sharks and began to move on. I looked up at Cara and she was clinging to a piece of rock, watching the twenty two and a half trillion barracuda sitting in the current around us. I noticed a whitetip reef shark trying to get some shuteye on the sandy patch in the reef, not more than two feet from the end of Cara's fins. I waited for her to look in my direction and pointed to the shark. Cara took a brief glance behind her, nodded at me to acknowledge she'd seen it, then went back to looking at the barracuda(s). It was at that exact moment that I realised what a pair of spoilt little shits we have turned into. When you can look down at a shark sleeping at your feet and not give it a second glance, you know you are one seriously lucky sod.
But that just sums up Sipadan. A casual glance around you takes in so much, yet you move on and moments later the current brings something even more spectacular into your field of vision. If there was one place on this planet I would happily dive for the remainder of my years, then this is the place (with the possible exception of Wraysbury quarry. I've heard you can see a shopping trolley and several used condoms on the same dive!). After about thirty minutes on the reef wall, we swam into a wide channel where the current whipped us along rapidly. Beneath us, scores of whitetip reef sharks slept on the sandy bottom with yet more swimming over and around us. The last ten minutes of the dive was spent looking at the amazing hard and soft corals in the shallows, before hopping back onto the boat and onto Sipadan Island for lunch.
Until a few years ago, there were a handful of dive resorts actually on the island, but the government closed them down and now the only permanent residents are a handful of army soldiers who can't believe their luck and the occasional monitor lizard (to monitor the soldiers, perhaps?). The divers are permitted to land on the island, but only in between dives, and everybody has to bugger off before nightfall.
In total, we did six dives off Sipadan, over two days. The second day saw only Cara and myself on the boat, so we had our own personal guide for the day. On the way over to the island, the rains came in and we were treated to a chilly tropical downpour that reduced visibility to less than ten metres in front of the boat and all sight of land vanished. It didn't overly thrill us when the boat driver ran over a piece of driftwood and we spent the next ten minutes drifting in the storm while he inspected his propeller. All was fine and with the special ninja powers that all dive boat drivers seem to have, he found the island without even having to stop and ask for directions from a passing turtle.
Over the course of those two days we were treated to some spectacular sights. One of the reasons we came here was because Cara loves turtles. We had seen the odd one on previous dives, but I had promised her she would see hundreds here, and for once I wasn't talking bollocks. We saw dozens on every dive. Big ones, small ones, zippy ones and sleepy ones. Every few minutes on a dive we would se another turtle sleeping on the coral wall. Some would find little ledges to wedge themselves into, while others just seemed to hang precariously from a large coral fan. We spotted a few amorous turtles and even a stack of them, five high, where the top males desperately tried to unlodge the bottom fellow from his mate. Or they were just confused, or kinky, or both. We saw sharks aplenty and too many varieties of reef fish to name (mainly because I've waffled on too much already). Even the coral here is incredible. The nearby islands of Kapalai and Mabul are more famous for the rare, tiny creatures that reside there, but we chose to stay diving Sipadan. A few more days would have been appreciated, but funds dictated otherwise and as you will read below, staying in town soon lost it's appeal.
We would have moved on the next day, but I decided to come down with one of my regular jungle colds, so we decided to stick it out in Semporna for another day. More's the pity.
Part II; The Den of Thieves
"Honesty is, for the most part, less profitable than dishonesty"
- Plato
Sipadan is everything a beautiful tropical island should be, with white sand beaches, swaying palm trees and diving you'd kick your granny for. Semporna, on the other hand, is a shithole, and I'm not just saying that to be cruel. If you look it up in any encyclopaedia, it will either say shithole, festering shithole or two steps down from your average shithole (population:2000). Their words, not mine. Most people who come here stay around the seafront, and to be fair, that is not bad. We, however, were staying in the centre of town and it was ugly in a way that only Stalinist Russia and Burnley can comprehend. On our first day diving, another chap had mentioned that quite a few people, staying in the main tourist joint on the seafront that we had been turned away from, had had cash pilfered from their rooms while they were out diving, and that kind of made us feel a bit better about staying in town. That was until we made it back to our room at the end of the first day to find some light fingered little shitbrick had taken his/her turn with us.
All seemed well when we first got back to the room, but when I took a rummage in Cara's bag for the small digital camera, it was not to be found. Our first thought, obviously, was to hurl abuse at each other with accusations of leaving it in our room back in Kuala Lumpur, but closer inspection revealed that cash was also missing from Cara's bag, which had definitely been there earlier in the day. Now, you might be thinking that we are idiots for leaving these things lying around, but the room was locked and the bag from which the stuff had walked was also locked. Somebody had let themselves into the room, spent a good while working their way through the combinations on Cara's lock (probably knowing full well that we would be out of the room for the whole day diving), and helped themselves to our goodies. We were both fuming. The door had not been forced and the only way to get to our room from the outside was past the reception desk. It would seem that somebody in the hotel considered tourist's belongings a nice supplementary income. We went down to the reception desk to have a rant, and they couldn't have cared less. We at the hotel are not responsible for the loss of personal effects from the rooms, was the seemingly well rehearsed reply.
"Not exactly true," I said, "somebody at the hotel is responsible. Whoever did this had a key to our room and knew we'd be gone for the day. Somebody who works here is responsible for this, you are just not taking responsibility for it."
This clarification of their misrepresentation of the English language had the same effect as a belch in a frog farm, namely, none whatsoever. I continued to bounce up and down and throw accusations liberally about the room, but it did no good. Their expressions never wavered from "couldn't give a shit", with the exception of one girl who adopted a look of "is this going to take long?" for the duration. When I realised this would get us nowhere, I thought bollocks to it, and ranted some more. Cara gave them the obligatory notification that we would leave notice of their lousy security record on every website from here to Wigan, and we made our dramatic exit. Meaning Cara went back to the room to make sure our bags were still there and I went outside for a cigarette.
Whilst out there, a young chap who turned out to be Belgian (don't meet many of those on the road) came outside and joined me for a quick smoke. After a few minutes, he leaned over and in the best conspiratorial whisper his Inspector Clusseau accent would permit, he said I should be very careful of my things here, because he and his friends had had many hundreds of euros stolen from their room while they were out diving. They had been to the police, but they were no more interested than the people at the hotel. I thanked him for the advice and told him of our situation. He then said something that might have questioned their parentage, but I couldn't penetrate his accent so am unsure. It turns out that others staying at LEE'S RESTHOUSE IN SEMPORNA lost things from locked bags in locked rooms, so it would appear quite a lucrative sideline has been added to their main hospitality trade. Before we left we heard news of other thefts from other hotels, so perhaps the trend encompasses the whole town. In the fifteen months we have been on the road, this is the only time we have had things stolen from our room, and we have stayed in some dodgy towns.
We made our trip to the police station and filed the necessary report, and just as my Belgian friend told me, they showed neither the least surprise nor interest in our story. In fact, before they released the report to Cara, they asked her to confirm that she only required the report for insurance purposes, and didn't expect any investigation to take place. Nice one, boys. The missing cash was no big deal, but the loss of the camera, and even more importantly, the loss of the photos on the camera, was a major kick in the arse. This explains why you will not see any images on this or any other recent posts.
The diving in Sipadan is out of this world and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anybody, but if you plan on staying Semporna, it might be wise to invest in some sturdy padlocks.
*To all the tramps that may happen to read this who have a deep, rewarding relationship with their toejam, I apologise. My analogy was in no way intended to mock or belittle the importance of your own toejam or any other bodily secretions borne of limited personal hygiene.
*To all the tramps that may happen to read this who have a deep, rewarding relationship with their toejam, I apologise. My analogy was in no way intended to mock or belittle the importance of your own toejam or any other bodily secretions borne of limited personal hygiene.
**All photos courtesy of Chad & Kori Crow, who still own a camera