Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wish you were here. Or maybe just down the road so I could pop round for a cup of coffee, or maybe even a beer. And maybe you could get some biscuits

Arse-end of Nowhere, Hot and Sweaty Country

Once again, I feel the need to apologize to our three readers for our rather slipshod approach to maintaining this website and keeping you up to date on where we are in the world. Since the last entry from Sipadan, we have been jungle trekking in deepest Borneo, spent a week in Kota Kinabalu, flown to Bangkok, where we stayed for 10 days(!), travelled to Koh Phangan (again) for over a week, and now we are on Penang on the west coast of peninsula Malaysia.

On the bright side, we are now waiting for Cara's blog from the jungle trek, and for once it is not me that is holding things up. Makes a pleasant change, eh?

If anybody is becoming frustrated at our lack of updates, I suggest you get a hobby. Let's face it, you never read any information of the least interest on this website anyway, so why trouble yourself over it? Maybe this would be a good time to take up stamp collecting, or maybe you could learn Mandarin?


p.s. As the only reason I'm writing this is because I'm sat in an internet cafe, bored out of my mind, waiting for Cara, I decided to read through my last entry on this site. And don't I sound like a pompous prick? Talk about making a mountain out of a molehill. This is what happens when you try to write your diary at 4am, sitting in a hammock, after one too many bottles of the local firewater. We went to Semporna, we dived at Sipadan, we had a camera stolen. I could have left it at that, really.

p.p.s. To spite me and wipe the smug grin off my gace, Cara has now published her jungle blog below, thus putting the responsibility back onto me to update this nonsense. Don't hold your breath.

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