- Plato
Thanks Plato, but that would have been a lot more helpful without the caveat about continual progress. Maybe next time you can give it a bit more thought and stop trying to sound clever.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's official. I am confused. Now I know that most of you earnestly believe I spend my entire waking life confused, but this time it's different.
The source of my confusion is this; according to the statistics of my web hosting company, there are now more people haranguing me to complete this website than there are people who actually read the website. The specific numbers are not important (3 and 4 if you must know!), but what is important is that I am rapidly running out of free time and Jesus Domingo Velasquez of Uruguay is not going to leave me alone until I tell him about what happened in Southern Africa. To add insult to injury, Cara has finished writing her final entries and is now both metaphorically and literally tapping her feet waiting for me to move things along. This I will do, soon. Well, soonish anyway.
Just to bring things up to date, we are now living in Cara's flat in Greater London. Cara recently took up her new role as CEO of Haliburton and I currently work part-time as toilet paper in a swanky city centre hotel. I try to make ends meet by selling monkeys to Bolivian sailors, but being a landlocked country, they are few and far between. I was recently given a job in Burnley, but I managed to get out of it after I gave them one of my kidneys (it's okay, it wasn't the good one).
To keep you all amused and make your visit here today worthwhile, I have attached a picture of a kitten. You're welcome.
P.S. I know the cat looks like it has been smacked in the face with a shovel, but it was the only way I could get it to stay still!
P.P.S. To the gentleman in North America who has questioned my ability to spell words like metre, centre and colour; no I am not French, that's just how we spell things in England.
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