Tuesday, June 21, 2005

A few technical points :


Before we continue to regale you with our overhyped, badly spelled, self-congratulatory tales of wild adventure, I feel the need to make a few technical points :

Thanks to all those who have pointed out our 'route' page is somewhat lacking in content
Sorry to disappoint everybody, but it looks like I never got around to finishing this page. Ah, well. It's a shame really, as it was going to look fantastic ! There was going to be an interactive map, brief highlights of our route around the globe and incisive, yet witty, observations of the wacky cultural differences that manifest themselves. Sounds inpressive, eh ? Instead, all you get for your effort is a crappy looking , badly labelled map. I would feel fairly let down if I were you.
I did contemplate setting aside one afternoon while we are in Vietnam to sort it out, but then I thought sod it ! What for ? I'm clearly having far too much fun to waste my time buggering about with a silly web page. And I'm certain you have something more constructive to be getting on with, rather than read this nonsense. So let's just call it quits. eh ? No hard feelings ?

The more observant of you may have noticed a few of the posts have shifted around recently. This is not, as you I'm sure you all thought, because you are going mad. It's merely a slight hiccup with our web logging account which is now repaired.

Our 'Diary' page disappeared recently. It's now back. That's all I'm prepared to say on this matter.

Finally (Can I say Fourthly ?)
We have been asked where all the photos are. There are many, many pictures we could use. Some of them (the ones I took) of professional quality. Unfortunately, they occupy file sizes too large to post them online. Since Mui Ne, I have been unable to locate an internet cafe with photoshop or other software that would allow me to hack them up and chuck them on. When I do, you'll get a glut of cheesy snapshots of us looking smug and sweaty.

Thank you and goodbye for now

p.s. Mik is still well ahead in the mozzie sweepstake

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